Sites and Buildings in East Kentucky

Main Photo For Eastern Kentucky Business Park

Eastern Kentucky Business Park

Honey Branch Industrial Park Debord Martin County KY 41214 US

Acres: 180



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Martin County Water provides service to this park with a 12″ main line throughout the park and a plant rated capacity of 2,000,000 Gallons Per Day.  The plant currently has 180,000 GPD of excess capacity.

Martin County Water

Sanitary Sewer

Sewer Service is provided by Paintsville Utilities to the park with a 6″ main line and a plant rated capacity of 1,000,000 Gallons Per Day.  The plant currently has 474,000 GPD of excess capacity.

Paintsville Utilities


AEP/Kentucky Power. Transmission Voltage to Location: 69kV & 138kV. Dual feed is available from 2 substations.

Kentucky Power

Natural Gas

Kentucky Frontier Gas provides natural gas service within this park.  The main line is 4″ with the ability to provide multiple service options based on customer need.

Kentucky Frontier Gas


East Kentucky is the beginning of the Kentucky Information Highway.  A broadband initiative titled “Kentucky Wired” is adding to already existing fiber within the region, extending gigabyte service to government, business and homes faster than ever before.  This Park has existing service through local telecom companies, AT&T and broadband providers such as Windstream.

AT&T Kentucky


This park is adjacent to 4-Lane State HWY 3 connecting to US HWY 23 (4-Lane).  US HWY 23 connects to Interstate 64, fifty-five miles north of the park.  Interstates 77, 75 and 26 are also accessible from East Kentucky’s network of four lane highways.

Eastern Kentucky Business Park is adjacent to Big Sandy Regional Airport, which is available for private aircraft as well as freight.  The park is within 1.5 hours of commercial air service availability from, Lexington, Kentucky’s Bluegrass Airport, Charleston, West Virginia’s Yeager Airport, and Tri-Cities Airport located near Kingsport, Tennessee.

Category: Industrial Park Posted On: 10-21-2016 Last Updated: 1 year ago

Featured, Utilities, Transportation, Financials, Primary Contact, Materials




Build To Suit


Industrial Park

Phase 1 Environmental Audit Complete

In City Limits



Business Park

100-Year Flood Plain





Natural Gas

High Speed Telecom


Nearest Airport: 1 miles

Nearest Highway: 1 miles


Acres: 180

Primary Contact

Big Sandy Regional Industrial Development Authority

For information about BSRIDA, contact:Denise Thomas at 606-886-2374.
