Shovel-Ready Industrial Sites Offer Fast Speed-to-Market
18 Jan 2023
Shovel-ready industrial sites in Eastern Kentucky offer fast speed-to-market for companies looking to expand or scale quickly. “Site selectors have told us how important it is for their clients to select sites that can have permits issued quickly so they can start building and get operational,” said Colby Kirk, President & CEO of One East Kentucky. “Locally, our shovel-ready sites offer that expediency. In part, due to our supportive government. We want businesses to grow here and offer a red carpet service that helps businesses receive the entitlements and permits they need within weeks.”
Shovel-Ready Industrial Sites in Eastern Kentucky Offer Fast Speed-to-Market
Manufacturing and distribution companies will especially benefit from how quickly building projects can be started and completed in Eastern Kentucky. “In addition to our fast permitting process, Kentucky benefits from a mild climate when compared with our northern neighbors. We don’t get frequent snow disruptions, for example, and that makes it possible to build in the winter. If January and February snow storms are stalling projects elsewhere, come to Eastern Kentucky to see how quickly we can get projects built for you,” said Kirk.
You can search for shovel-ready industrial sites here and contact Colby Kirk with questions or to receive more information.
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