Kentucky’s 20 Safest Cities of 2019
25 Apr 2019
SafeWise is happy to release our 5th annual Safest Cities report. Here are the 20 Safest Cities in Kentucky for 2019. See if your city made the list.
Kentucky ranks property crime its second-most concerning safety issue on our State of Safety report. That concern makes sense when you look at the state’s higher-than-average property crime rate of 32.36—the national property crime rate is five points lower, at 27.11. But the level of concern (57%) is slightly below the national average of 59%.
The state does better when it comes to violent crime, though. Kentucky’s violent crime rate is 3.42 incidents per 1,000 people, which is one point below the national average of 4.49. And the safest cities did even better, with every onereporting fewer than one violent crime incident per 1,000.
Check out the complete listing to see if your city is one of eight that made the list for the second year, or one that reported zero incidents of violent crime.