WellCare to Create 40 Jobs in Hazard with Care Center
22 Jun 2018
WellCare of Kentucky Inc., a managed care provider for Medicaid recipients, will establish a 40-job outbound call facility called a Care Center in Hazard to help members navigate upcoming changes under Kentucky HEALTH, Gov. Bevin announced today.
“The announcement of WellCare’s new Care Center in Hazard is exciting news for the commonwealth on multiple fronts,” said Gov. Bevin. “The company’s economic investment in Southeast Kentucky will create 40 excellent jobs for the region, and will provide direct support for our innovative new Kentucky HEALTH waiver. WellCare specialists will be on the front lines of connecting Medicaid recipients to community engagement opportunities and improved health outcomes.”
WellCare will begin recruiting June 26 with a job fair at the Kentucky Career Center in Hazard. Additionally, the company will recruit from addiction recovery centers to support people rebuilding their lives after treatment. Jobs will pay an average salary exceeding the $31,578 Perry County median household income. The company plans to expand and remodel its Hazard office for the Care Center.
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