SITE: Support Finding Workers in Kentucky Who Are Ready to Re-Enter the Workforce

18 Mar 2024
The Strategic Initiative for Transformation Employment combines support finding workers in Kentucky with supporting those workers. Founded by a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant, SITE serves employment resources for workers ready to return to the workforce.
Sobriety and Support; Finding Workers in Kentucky Ready for New and Stable Employment
Sober employees are eager and grateful for opportunities, and steady employment maintains sobriety through external obligations and a regular schedule. An employer partnered with SITE benefits from the motivation and gratitude of a sober employee ready to reinvest in a community that supported them through a difficult time.
SITE also interfaces with employers working with struggling employees to create a thorough cost-benefit analysis on retention or termination based on behavior and performance. Learn more about SITE and other programs offered by OEK and EKCEP that support finding workers in Kentucky through a conversation with Christi Brown, OEK’s business liaison.
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